

Dentures remain one of the most popular teeth replacement methods because they are relatively affordable and can be placed without invasive or lengthy treatment. If you have one or several missing teeth, consider getting durable, natural-looking dentures at Trafalgar Dental Care. Your dentist in Trafalgar offers many teeth replacement options, including removable partial or complete dentures and dentures supported by dental implants.

Partial Dentures

If you have some natural teeth remaining, partial dentures are used to replace the missing ones. Partial dentures can be fixed or removable. Removable partial dentures are made of resin or porcelain teeth that sit on a gum-colored acrylic base. They can snap into place without adhesives or can be anchored by small metal attachments. Fixed partial dentures or bridges are supported either by a series of dental crowns or dental implants. Only your dentist can remove fixed dentures.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are used if all of your teeth are missing. Like partial dentures, complete dentures can be removable or fixed. Removable dentures usually require adhesive or metal attachments to stay in place. At Trafalgar Dental Care, we use only the best quality materials to create modern dentures that look natural and fit perfectly.

Dentures Supported by Dental Implants

Implant-supported dentures provide the ultimate comfort and stability. They also look, feel and function like real teeth. The dentures are supported by dental implants that are embedded into the gums. Because the implants become one with your own bone, they are the best foundation for replacement teeth. Implants can support individual crowns or partial and complete dentures. Your Trafalgar dentist recommends implant dentures if you are looking for a long-term, permanent solution.

Restore your chewing ability, smile and confidence with modern dentures at Trafalgar Dental Care.

Call +61 3 5633 1185 now or click here to make an appointment.